Disclaimer : I don't sell templates or programs. A genuine program is a living, breathing process. These are merely ideas that operate under the assumption that lifting technique is perfect and that nutrition and recovery is on point.

Otherwise, these programs would by default be invalid and require significant modifications to suit the lifter. Still aiming to achieve these specific goals, but adjustments to the programs will be vital to gaining optimal results.

Also I hold the right to be able to change my mind, what I learn in person, in coaching group and my own training and what I have learnt from others in the field help shape the landscape of my philosophy and training prescription. So these ideas are subject to change on what I have learnt and most importantly, from my mistakes.

The reason for these ideas is to lead some clarity on the forever murky landscape that is intermediate programming. These programs are not for novices! Meaning if you haven’t fully completed Starting Strength Linear progression, don’t not pass go, do not collect $200. This is for when you now an intermediate and want a style of program is not shown on Practical Programming 3rd edition.

Happy lifting my Beautiful Strength Crew.

Program ideas:

HLM intermediate - “Press first Friday”


S 3 - 5 x 5 (volume varies on strength)

B 5 x 5

Pc 5 x 3 / Ps 8 x 2


S 2 x 5 @ (80 - 90% of M)

P 5 x 5

R 3 x 5 / C 3x AMRAP or Weighted 3 x 5


P 5 x 1 (no misses)

S 1 x 5RM

B 1 x 5RM

D 1 x 5RM

I have many people struggle with this 3 day format as sessions take TOO long for the average trainee . So this same template works better as a 4 day split.

Also a four day split also works great spaced out over 9 days if you can’t consistently commit to 4 days training in a 7 day period. 4 days over 7 being: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. 4 over 9 days goes; Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Monday. Then the cycle starts all over on Wednesday, Friday, Monday, Wednesday. So it’s a rolling cycle.

HLM intermediate - “4 day split”


P 5 x 1 (no misses)

B 5 x 5


S 3 - 5 x 5 (volume depends of strength)

R 3 x 5 / Chins 3x AMRAP or Weighted 3 x 5


B 1 x 5RM

P 5 x 5


S 1 x 5RM

Pc 5 x 3 / Ps 8 x 2

D 1 x 5RM

Press Specialist


Bench 1 x 5RM

P 3 x 5


Pc 5 x 3

Pin press 2 - 3 x 5

S 3-5 x 5 (volume varies on strength)


P 15-8 x 1 (no misses)

CGB 3 x 3


S 1 x 5RM

P (strict) 3 x 5

H / Rp 1 x 5RM

Strength Lifter


S 3 - 5 x 5 (volume varies on Strength)

P 5 x 5

Pc 5 x 3


S 2 x 5 @ (80 - 90% of M)

B 3 x 3-5

Chins 3 x 5 weighted


S 3 x 1 (no misses)

P 8-5 x 1 (no misses)

D 1 x 5RM


S - Squat

P - Press

D - Deadlift

B - Bench Press

Pc - Power Clean

Ps - Power Snatch

C - Chins

R - Barbell Rows

CGB - Close Grip Bench

H - Halting Deadlifts (Haltings)

Rp - Rack Pull

Pin Press - set pins to either nose or forehead level in power rack and start each lift from a dead stop, like a Rack Pull.

My Format Program display : Lift - Sets - Reps

(volume varies on strength) - meaning if you are very strong you may only need 3 sets for a volume day stress. Strong being 180kg 3x5 squat.

(80 - 90% of M) - a classic way to get a rough bearing on what a light day squat load should be is to take 80 - 90% of that Monday’s session and do 2 sets of 5. There is however no law that it shouldn’t be lighter. I just wouldn’t advise going any heavier on a light day. For obvious reasons.

(No misses) - meaning if your doing multiply singles it shouldn’t be at a weight where you fail. We want the loads to be challenging and heavy but not to the point where you fail half your attempts.

Pc 5 x 3 / Ps 8 x 2 - week 1 is Power Clean x5 triples and week 2 is Power Snatch x8 Doubles and so it alternates between week to week.

AMRAP - as many reps as possible. Usually used for Chins we like to aim for 8 - 12 reps if you really must know. The goal is always to beat last weeks score, if you can’t add an additional set to get 3-5 more reps than last session.

R 3 x 5 / C 3x AMRAP or Weighted - barbell rows week 1 And Chins week 2. That person may want to alternate between body weight and weighted on Chins, or pick either or situation.