Online FAQs

How does it work?

After an initial video consultation in which we discuss your goals, I will create a profile for you on True Coach. I will use the app to provide you with a weekly programme and assess the videos you send me via WhatsApp.

How do I use True Coach?

An introductory tutorial for clients is available here.

Can we discuss my goals beforehand?

Yes. When you sign up for online coaching, you will be contacted to book an initial consultation on Zoom. We will discuss your goals, injuries and training history.

Can I freeze my membership?

Yes. If you need to freeze your membership due to illness, holidays or other issues, we can do so for a minimum period of two weeks.

Do I really need to upload a profile picture?

Yes please! Uploading a photo of your face as soon as you log into your new True Coach profile is extremely helpful. This is how I make sure I don’t message the wrong person. Also, it makes me sad seeing a blank circle where your face should be. Thank you!

What videos do I upload?

You only need to upload your work sets. For the squat, for example, that means you will upload only the final three sets of five reps at your top weight. I don’t usually need to see warm-ups or any additional footage – unless we discuss this in advance.

What camera angles should I use?

Whenever I add a new exercise to your programme, I will send a specific video tutorial explaining what camera angle you should use to film it. If you don’t receive this link, please let me know. The angle will allow you to capture the best view of the lift so that I can give you the most accurate advice.

You can also find the video tutorials at the links below.





How long should videos be?

Videos should be as brief as possible. This keeps the file size down and makes them much faster to send. Usually 1–2 seconds before you approach the barbell and 1–2 seconds after you re-rack or place the bar back on the floor is ideal. As a guide: videos tend to be about 45 seconds (if a set of 5 squats takes you 90 seconds, you're sneaking in rest periods between reps!).

Is the online training session a time slot with me via Zoom?

No. I watch the footage you send me via WhatsApp and offer detailed guidance and programming based on your needs. Your programme will be available on True Coach. This offers you the flexibility to lift whenever you want during your training day.

I’m not training on the exact days in my programme – what do I do?

No worries! The template is a guideline. If you can’t do Monday, Wednesday, Friday every single week, it’s not the end of the world. Just shift your training back by a day. So if you miss a Wednesday, for instance, then do that session on the Thursday and move your Friday to Saturday. Rest on Sunday, then pick up on Monday as normal. Just make sure you always allow 1–2 rest days between sessions. There’s no need to adjust the day on True Coach: as long as you complete your three sessions per week, that’s fine.