What is Beautiful Strength?
It all began in 2005 when I first entered the fitness industry at eighteen years of age. How time flies (now 37). For the past decade, Beautiful Strength as a brand has 100% specialized in one-to-one barbell strength training. Now, it has evolved into a more comprehensive service, offering a range of products, including online coaching, lifting camps held worldwide, high-quality content, and a smattering of one-to-one personal training.
The answer you're seeking in the weight room is strength. You just didn't know it and, more importantly, how to acquire it. If you have recurring injuries you can't seem to shake, or spinning your wheels in a perpetual rehab cycle, get stronger. If you want a better physique, get stronger. If you're a competitive athlete looking to improve your performance in your sport, get stronger. If you're an older person seeking better life independence, get stronger.
What to expect?
The best tool at making people stronger is without question the barbell. It's our main weapon of choice at Beautiful Strength and has worked successfully for hundreds of years. Barbells develop human strength like no other tool ever created in the weight room.
Barbell exercises work the entire body by performing general natural human movement patterns—bend your knees, put something over your head, pick something off the floor, push something away from you, and catch something onto your shoulders. Their general and non specific nature makes them prime lifts to make the body as a whole system stronger. Squat, Press, Deadlift, Bench, and Power Clean with a barbell of steel construction are the cornerstone lifts that training is based on—and for the rest of your life, you can increase weight on the barbell as long as time and your human potential will allow. In my experience, most people are capable of much more than they think. The classic quote comes to mind, “you over-estimate what you can do in a year but under-estimate what you can achieve in a decade.”
Beautiful Strength has everything to offer you. Don’t procrastinate or delay: get in touch with Carl and see the difference strength training can make to your life.